NeMO Milan

NeMO Clinical Center Milan

NeMO Clinical Center Milan was inaugurated in 2008 and is the first location of the NeMO network, it is the reference point for research and care of children and adults.

The Clinical and Scientific Direction is entrusted to Prof. Valeria Sansone, Full Professor of Neurology at the University of Milan, who employs a clinical and research team of 65 professionals.

Since 2017, the “Nanni Anselmi” Clinical Research Center has been active in the structure, dedicated to clinical research on neuromuscular diseases.

valeria sansone

Clinical and Scientific Director NeMO Milan

Prof. Valeria Sansone


Il Centro Clinico NeMO Milan offers:
Beds for ordinary hospitalization
Beds for Day Hospital
Outpatient studies
Rooms Macro Outpatient Activities (MAC)
Meeting and teaching room
Space for reception and leisure

Outpatient clinics and pathologies treated

In the NeMO Clinical Center Milan there are Neurology, Neurology of the Developmental Age, Pneumology, Physiatry, Neurology for taking charge, Psychology and Neuropsychology ambulatories. In the Center we take care of patients with:

  • Motor neuron diseases
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
  • Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)
  • Muscular dystrophies
  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy
  • Becker’s muscular dystrophy
  • Myotonic dystrophies
  • Facioscapulomeral dystrophies
  • Limb-girdle dystrophies
  • Congenital myopathies
  • Congenital dystrophies
  • Myasthenia
  • Muscle channelopathies
  • Genetic polyneuropathies
  • SGB – Guillain-Barré syndrome



Health services

At NeMO Clinical Center Milan we offer different health services for our patients:

  • Diagnostic clinical evaluation
  • Pathological diagnostics
  • Genetic diagnostics
  • Standard and innovative therapies
  • Taking care services (on site and in a network with rehabilitation facilities in the area)
  • Neurological, pneumological, rehabilitative and psychological management
  • Services connected with domicile and territory
  • Continuity of taking care at home with the Nurse coaching service and the collaboration network with the territorial garrisons


  • Ordinary hospitalization
  • Day hospital
  • Outpatient activity
  • Complex Outpatient Macro Activities (MAC)

Clinical research units

All NeMO Centers are active in the field of clinical research, conducting numerous studies, most of which are networked with other NeMO Centers and / or with the national and international clinical community: to make this network activity more efficient, at the Clinical Centers of Milan and Rome, there are clinical units dedicated to research,  that support the management and coordination of clinical trials in which the two centers are involved.

Alongside clinical research there’s NEMOLAB, a technological hub dedicated to projects that aim to find solutions to improve the autonomy of children and adults with neuromuscular disease.

CRC - NeMO Clinical Research Center "Nanni Anselmi"

Active since 2017, it represents a national and international reference point for research in the field of neuromuscular diseases. The activity carried out within this area favors the implementation of protocols and procedures for the conduct of multicenter clinical trials, in adults and children, in synergy with the other locations of the NeMO Center.

NeMO Clinical Center Milan in Italy and in the world

The NeMO Clinical Center Milan is the Presidium of Rare Diseases of the Lombardia Region and is the ERN Center (European Reference Network) for neuromuscular diseases.

It is part of the most important national and international research networks in Myotonic Dystrophies, Facioscapulohumeral Dystrophy, SMA and DMD and is the coordinating center of the National ALS Registry.

It is the only European center of the Neuromuscular Study Group, a neuromuscular study group mainly focused on collaborative networks and clinical trials, coordinated by the University of Kansas and the University of London, Queen Square. For 3 years it was also part of the Executive Board.

It is recognized by AIM (Italian Myology Association) and it is a reference for associations of patients with neuromuscular disease and NeMO members. It works in close collaboration with the regional territorial network.

The NeMO Clinical Center Milan is also a Neurorehabilitation Unit of the University of Milan, Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health, and has an agreement for teaching activities with:

  • University of Milan
  • Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurology
  • Postgraduate Specialisation in Child Neuropsychiatry
  • School of Specialization in Physical Rehabilitation Medicine;
  • School of Specialization in Pneumology;
  • Degree Course in Medicine and Neurology, Polo Policlinico San Donato
  • Degree Course of the International Medical School
  • Degree Course in Nursing
  • Degree Course in Physiotherapy
  • Master of Respiratory Physiotherapy
  • Degree Course in Sports Medicine
  • Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy
  • Degree Course in Therapy of Neuro and Psychomotricity of the Developmental Age
  • Bachelor of Science in Dietetics
  • Degree Course in Optics and Optometry

News from NeMO Milan


Giornata Mondiale SLA. Progressi nella diagnosi e terapia. Il punto dei professori Padovani, Ticozzi e Sansone


SLA. I Centri NeMO dimostrano l'impatto positivo di Tofersen


SLA. Lo studio condotto dall’Istituto Mario Negri e AISLA rivela i bisogni e le priorità




After Nijmegen: L’onda terapeutica nelle Distrofie Miotoniche


Malattie Neuromuscolari. Un raro intervento chirurgico al Centro NeMO e Ospedale Niguarda 


Giornata delle malattie rare. Quando i pazienti sono protagonisti della salute di tutti


Lotta alla SLA. Tre esperti dei Centri NeMO nella nuova Commissione Medico Scientifica di AISLA


Uno SLAvadent alla SLA. Sold out all'Ospedale Niguarda trasformato in teatro a sostegno del NeMO Milano


Uno SLAvadent alla SLA


Un dono da 113.209 euro grazie a ODStore per i Centri Clinici NeMO nel giorno di Santa Lucia


My name is Luca. Ballata per Vialli


SMAgliante ADA: un viaggio lungo 3 anni tra i banchi di scuola per educare all'inclusione sociale e al valore dell'unicità della persona


Cento anni di Italo Calvino. Arriva a Monza un evento in sostegno dei Centri NeMO


Un cioccolatino per cambiare la vita di un bambino con malattia neuromuscolare


"Fondo Sonaglia": celebrati i 15 anni di sostegno al Centro Clinico NeMO


#Oramivedi: l'arte della visione a sostegno del Centro Clinico NeMO


Malattie neuromuscolari: il cuore neroazzurro degli “InterNati” batte per il Centro Clinico NeMO


Malattie Neuromuscolari. Dal baco da seta le nuove frontiere nella ricerca tecnologica. 


Calcio e inclusione: la Juventus ospita l'Ada Camp 2023

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