About us

About us

The NeMO clinical centers are the reference network for diagnosis, treatment, assistance and research on neuromuscular and neurodegenerative diseases, home for those in need of care and for those who accompany them.

We pay close attention to the family's and the person's needs

The clinical and welfare requirements of adults and children with neuromuscular and neurodegenerative diseases, including as ALS, SMA and muscular dystrophy, have been specifically addressed since 2008 by NeMO Clinical Center (NeurMuscular Clinical Centre).

NeMO Clinical Centre is currently a reference network for the diagnosis, treatment, and research for various pathologies. It was created and developed thanks to the intuition and will of a community of patients, in collaboration with the Institutions and the scientific community.

For NeMO, the patient’s care is a lifelong process that follows the patient and their family through every stage of the illness.

Multidisciplinarity is the foundation of the treatment model of NeMO Clinical Center.

The presence of specialists with various clinical specializations who collaborate to guarantee continuity of care within the departments enables multidisciplinarity to be truly realized. The facilities are set up with rooms for both routine and very complex hospitalization, as well as outpatient and day hospital sections, pediatric areas, gymnasiums, common areas, gardens, and terraces.

The NeMO model is built on the continuity between research and care; scientific activity involves the entire NeMO network and, as a result, is a crucial component of the main national and worldwide scientific networks.

new patients treated in the last year
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to date
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The organisational model

  • Alliance agreement with the Associations
    The community of neuromuscular patients is the project owner and its first recipient actively participating in the development of the clinical-care model
  • Public and private social partnerships
    A unique healthcare model within the National Health System.
  • Horizontal subsidiarity and co-responsibility towards the institutions
    Instances of who is close to the need of patients generate value for the whole system.
  • Synergy with public and private hospitals
    The presence in large public hospitals allows us to collaborate to ensure the necessary services and infrastructure.
modello organizzativo












October 20th
Fondazione Serena is established, the body that manages NeMO Clinical Center.

January 28th
We established a clinical center in Milan and the activities started.

December 1st
We established a clinical center in Arenzano (GE) at the La Colletta Hospital and the activities started.

December 7th
The City of Milan awarded with the Ambrogino d’Oro certificate of Civic Merit.

May 23rd
We inaugurated the first expansion of the NeMO clinical centre in Milan to give space to new ambulatories.

September 22nd
We established a clinical center in Rome at the Agostino Gemelli University Polyclinic and the activities of both the adult and pediatric area started.

April 6th
We inaugurated the spaces for the research area “NeMO Clinical Research Center – Nanni Anselmi” at the NeMO clinical center in Milan.

June 26th
We finished the first expansion of the NeMO clinical center in Rome – adults area – to give space to the ambulatories of the Breathing Area.

September 25th
We inaugurated the NeMO Institute for Neuromuscular Research (Niner) at the NeMO clinical centre in Rome, a paediatric area.

October 5th
We established a clinical center in Brescia at the Richiedei Hospital in Gussago and the activities started.

November 9th
We established a clinical center in Naples at the Monaldi Hospital and the activities started.

February 24th
We established a clinical center in Trento at the”Villa Rosa” Hospital and activities started.

April 21st
We inaugurated NEMOLAB, the first Italian hub of technological innovation for neuromuscular and neurodegenerative diseases.

June 24th
We established a clinical center in Ancona at the Riuniti Hospital and activities started.

The Foundation

Fondazione Serena Onlus is the legal entity that manages the NeMO project. It consists of Telethon Foundation, the Italian Union for the Fight against Muscular Dystrophy (UILDM), the Italian Association of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (AISLA), the SMA Family Association, the Slanciamoci Non-profit Association and the Vialli and Mauro Foundation for Research and Sport Onlus.

was born in 2005 as a private foundation, responds to the legal terms of the Foundation of Participation governed by DPR 361/2000 and articles 14 and following of the Civil Code, and is currently listed in the registry of non-profit organizations of social utility (ONLUS).

As a pre-existing body to the reform of the Third Sector – introduced by Legislative Decree No. 117/2017 – on October 20th, 2021, the Board of Founders accepted and approved the necessary amendments and additions to the Statute of the Foundation to adapt it to the new provisions of the “Code of the Third Sector” providing, at the same time, that the clauses of the current statute relating to non-profit organizations will lose validity when the registration in the Single National Register of the Third Sector (RUNTS) is completed.

Upon completion of the administrative registration process, the institution will automatically change its name from “FONDAZIONE SERENA ONLUS” to “FONDAZIONE SERENA – ETS”.

  • I soci fondatori
    Fondazione Telethon e UILDM Onlus
  • I soci promotori
    AISLA Onlus e Famiglie SMA Onlus
  • I soci partecipanti
    SLAnciamoci Associazione Non profit, Fondazione Vialli e Mauro per la Ricerca e lo Sport Onlus

Members of the Foundation

Contact the Management

Contact us for requests or reports to NeMO clinical centers Management

Contact the General Manager of NeMO clinical centres

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Contact the Medical Director of NeMO clinical centres

Fondazione Serena Onlus is committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of users: the personal information collected in this form is used only for the purposes indicated in the subject of this content. For further information regarding the regulations and regulations of personal data within the digital and web channels of , Please consult the PRIVACY POLICY in accordance with articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 by clicking here.