NeMO Trento

La sede di Trento

NeMO Clinical Center Trento is a reference point for the treatment of neuromuscular diseases for pediatric and adult age for the Autonomous Province of Trento and Triveneto.

NeMO Trento is located on the ground floor of the “Villa Rosa” rehabilitation hospital in Pergine Valsugana. Its opening is the result of a public-private management experimentation agreement between the Autonomous Province of Trento, the APSS – Provincial Agency for Health Services and Serena Onlus Foundation (managing body of NeMO Clinical Centers in Italy). The close relationship between the institutions represents an important element that ensures high standards in clinical activity from diagnosis, to therapy, to taking care of the patient and enhances the rehabilitation and occupational therapy skills of the territory.

NeMO Clinical Center Trento inaugurated its spaces in February 2021 and is led by the Clinical Management of Dr. Riccardo Zuccarino. It has an agreement with the University of Parma and the University of Verona.

Clinical Director NeMO Trento

Dr. Riccardo Zuccarino


Il Centro Clinico NeMO Trento offre:
Beds for ordinary hospitalization
Beds for Day Hospital
MAC seats
Swimming pools
Movement analysis laboratory
Home automation evaluation center and aid training
Section dedicated to robotic rehabilitation
Dedicated outdoor garden
Meeting room

Ambulatori e patologie trattate

In NeMO Clinical Center Trento there are Neurology, Neurology of the Developmental Age, Pneumology, Physiatry, Multidisciplinary and Psychology ambulatories. In the Center we take care of patients with:

  • Motor neuron diseases
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
  • Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)
  • Muscular dystrophies
  • Myopathies
  • Neuropatie ereditarie (Charcot Marie Tooth (CMT)
  • Myasthenia
  • Metabolic myopathies
  • Inflammatory polyneuropathies

Prestazioni sanitarie

At NeMO Clinical Center Trento we offer various health services for our patients:

  • Clinical evaluation and diagnostics
  • Standard and innovative therapies
  • Neurological, pneumological, rehabilitative and psychological management
  • Continuity of care thanks to the collaboration with the territorial garrisons


  • Ordinary hospitalization
  • Day hospital
  • Specialist and multidisciplinary outpatient activity
  • MAC

Centro Clinico NeMO Trento in Italia e nel mondo

NeMO Clinical Center Trento is part of the Inherited Neuropathy Consortium (INC) and the ERN Euro-NMD.

It is among the centers recognized by the Italian CMT network.

It is a Provincial Auxiliary Center and a reference point for national patient associations and NeMO members.

In particular for the regional section of AISLA Onlus, the UILDM headquarters in Bolzano and the territorial representatives of Famiglie SMA.

It is active in the organization of thematic congresses SoloLavorando Assieme and National Day of Neuromuscular Diseases in collaboration with CIBIO and CNR.

NeMO Clinical Center Trento also has an agreement for teaching activities with:

  • Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurology (University of Parma)
  • School of Specialisation in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Degree Course in Nursing
  • Degree Course in Physiotherapy (University of Verona)

News da NeMO Trento


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Rotary Trentini: Insieme, Donano 40.000 € Di Elettromedicali

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