Discover the services and useful information to access the world of NeMO Clinical Center.
We specialize in the treatment of neuromuscular and neurodegenerative pathologies. Find out who we take care of and learn more about how we assist our patients.
Check out the list of clinical and care services we offer in our NeMO clinical centers. Find out what is our care-model and what are our areas of assistance.
Discover how we integrate care and research in our clinical centers, where the course of treatment becomes an opportunity to access the latest innovations in the scientific field.
We study and treat neurodegenerative and neuromuscular diseases: dystrophy, atrophy, sclerosis, polyneuropathy… See the full list of pathologies we treat.
Clinical trials are a fundamental part of research, essential to understand if and how effective a new treatment is. See all our clinical studies.
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Discover our laboratory for the development of technological innovation projects dedicated to the needs of those living with neuromuscular diseases.
Tutte le novità, le storie di chi vive NeMO, le news di ricerca, eventi ed iniziative.