NeMO Brescia

La sede di Brescia

The NeMO Clinical Center Brescia is an integrated clinical structure dedicated to diagnosis, treatment and research in the field of neuromuscular diseases. The Center was born following a tender of ATS Brescia, it is based in Gussago (BS) a few kilometers from the center of Brescia and covers an area of about 1,500 square meters.

The Clinical and Scientific Direction is entrusted to Prof. Massimiliano Filosto, Associate Professor of Neurology at the Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences of the University of Brescia, who employs a clinical team of 36 professionals.

The agreement with the Azienda Socio Sanitaria Territoriale (ASST) “Spedali Civili” of Brescia and the close relationship between the two bodies represent important elements that ensure high standards in clinical activity from diagnosis, to therapy, to taking charge of the patient.

The Serena Onlus Foundation (managing body of the NeMO Centers), the University of Brescia and the ASST Spedali Civili have signed a memorandum of understanding for the establishment of a Technical-Scientific Committee for Neuromuscular Diseases (CTS) whose President is Prof. Alessandro Padovani, Full Professor of the University of Brescia.

massimiliano filosto

Clinical Director NeMO Brescia

Prof. Massimiliano Filosto


Il Centro Clinico NeMO Brescia offre:
Beds for ordinary hospitalization
Beds for Day Hospital
MAC seats
Clinical studies
Meeting room
Dedicated outdoor garden

Ambulatori e patologie trattate

At the NeMO Clinical Center Brescia there are the ambulatories of Neurology, Developmental Neurology, Pneumology, Physiatry, Psychology and Neuropsychology.

At the Center we take care of patients suffering from:

Motor neuron diseases
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)

Muscular dystrophies

Limb-girdle muscular dystrophies
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Becker’s muscular dystrophy
Facioscapulohumeral dystrophy
Myotonic dystrophies

Metabolic myopathies
Muscle glycogenosis
Lipid myopathies
Mitochondrial encephalomyopathies

Congenital myopathies, distal myopathies, congenital muscular dystrophies, congenital myasthenic syndromes, non-dystrophic myotonias

Peripheral polyneuropathies
Genetically determined neuropathies
Dysimmune neuropathies
Amyloidotic neuropathies
Neuropathies in internal diseases


Prestazioni sanitarie

Also in collaboration with the ASST Spedali Civili, NeMO Brescia ensures its patients the following services:

  • Clinical-diagnostic and multidisciplinary evaluation for management
  • Muscle biopsies
  • Skin biopsies for skin innervation study
  • Periumbilical fat biopsy
  • Genetic diagnostics
  • Standard, innovative and experimental therapies
  • Accompaniment home with the nurse coaching service and the territorial assistance network


  • Ordinary hospitalization
  • Day hospital
  • Multi-specialist clinics
  • Complex Outpatient Macro Activities (MAC):
    • Rehabilitation
    • Diagnostic
    • Evaluatives for management

Centro Clinico NeMO Brescia in Italia e nel mondo

The CTS (Technical Scientific Committee – president Prof. Alessandro Padovani) has advisory tasks on the clinical-scientific activity in the field of neuromuscular diseases that takes place at the NeMO Clinical Center Brescia, the University of Brescia and the ASST Spedali Civili of Brescia. In particular, the CTS:

Promotes the integration and harmonization of research activities carried out at the three institutions;

Expresses its opinion on the research plans, with a view to promoting consistency with previously identified guidelines and integration with diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation activities;

Evaluates the results, with a view to the constant quantitative and qualitative improvement of scientific activities;

It promotes the development of educational and training courses in the field of neuromuscular diseases that take place at the three institutions;

Expresses its opinion on the aforementioned training and educational activities;

It promotes the integration and harmonization of clinical pathways involving staff and own resources of the constituent parts;

NeMO Brescia is the Presidium of the Regional Network of Rare Diseases belonging to the National Network for the prevention, surveillance, diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases.

The Centre, run by the university, is the teaching and research centre of the University of Brescia and has among its objectives that of enhancing the “know-how” in the field of neuromuscular diseases in order to put it at the service of the medical-scientific community in terms of training, teaching activities and clinical research.

NeMO Clinical Center Brescia belongs to the HCP ASST Spedali Civili in the European network for rare diseases ERN EURO-NMD. The person in charge of the HCP ASST Spedali Civili for ERN Euro-NMD is Prof. Massimiliano Filosto.

NeMO Clinical Center Brescia is a reference center for the Italian Association of Myology and for Patient Associations (Italian Glycogenosis Association, Italian Association of Mitochondrial Diseases-MITOCON, Italian Association of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis-AISLA, Italian Union for the Fight against Muscular Dystrophies-UILDM, SMA Families, Viva La Vita Italia ONLUS).

NeMO Clinical Center Brescia is a center belonging to the Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences of the University of Brescia and to the Department of Continuity of Care and Fragility ASST Spedali Civili and has an agreement for teaching activities with:

  • Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurology
  • Postgraduate Specialisation in Child Neuropsychiatry
  • Degree Course in Nursing
  • Degree Course in Physiotherapy


News da NeMO Brescia


SMA Talent School. Trova la tua Voce! La prima academy sulla voce per persone con SMA 


Bando per due Assegni di Ricerca da 12 mesi presso il NeMO Brescia


Giornata Mondiale SLA. Progressi nella diagnosi e terapia. Il punto dei professori Padovani, Ticozzi e Sansone


SLA. I Centri NeMO dimostrano l'impatto positivo di Tofersen


I Centri NeMO presenti alla Giornata Malattie Neuromuscolari 2024


Un dono da 113.209 euro grazie a ODStore per i Centri Clinici NeMO nel giorno di Santa Lucia


SMAgliante ADA: un viaggio lungo 3 anni tra i banchi di scuola per educare all'inclusione sociale e al valore dell'unicità della persona


Un cioccolatino per cambiare la vita di un bambino con malattia neuromuscolare


74 Punti Vendita Odstore Per I Bambini Con Malattie Neuromuscolari: Una Catena Di Solidarieta’ 


Giornata Nazionale Uildm: Per Una Formazione Di Qualita'


Brescia. La Rsa Di Carpenedolo Eccellenza Italiana Di Accoglienza Residenziale Per Alzheimer E Sla.


Brescia Cuore Del Dibattito Scientifico Per Condividere I Progressi Della Ricerca

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