NeMO Ancona

La sede di Ancona

The NeMO Clinical Center in Ancona is located on Floor 5 – Body C of the “Torrette” – Marche AOU in Ancona and covers 880 square meters. It is led by the Clinical Management of Dr. Michela Coccia with over 45 professionals with 14 different clinical specialties dedicated solely to the management and clinical research of neuromuscular diseases.

Active since 23 June 2022, NeMO Ancona is the reference point for the care of neuromuscular diseases in the Marche region and in the territories of central Italy. The NeMO Clinical Center Ancona is named on March 9, 2023 in memory of Roberto Frullini, a reference figure for the Marche neuromuscular community whose tireless commitment in recent years has contributed to the creation of the Center.

The agreement with the Marche AOU and the close relationship between the two bodies represent important elements that ensure high standards in clinical activity from diagnosis, to therapy, to taking care of the patient.

Clinical Director NeMO Ancona

Dr Michela Coccia


Il Centro Clinico NeMO Ancona offre:
Beds for adults and pediatrics
Rehabilitation day hospitals
Specialist and multidisciplinary ambulatories
Rehabilitation gym
Interview room
Leisure rooms

Ambulatori e patologie trattate

In the NeMO Clinical Center Ancona we have ambulatories for Neurology, Pneumology, Child Neuropsychiatry, Physiatry, Psychology, Speech Therapy Evaluation, Prosthetic Evaluation, Dietological Evaluation and Multidisciplinary Outpatient Evaluation. In the Center we take care of patients with:

  • Motor neuron diseases
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
  • Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)
  • Muscular dystrophies
  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy
  • Becker’s muscular dystrophy
  • Myotonic dystrophies
  • Polyneuropathies
  • Myopathies

Prestazioni sanitarie

At NeMO Clinical Center Ancona we offer different health services for our patients:

  • Clinical evaluation and diagnostics
  • Genetic diagnostics
  • Standard and innovative therapies
  • Taking charge (on site and in a network with rehabilitation facilities in the area)
  • Neurological, pneumological, psychological and rehabilitative management
  • Services connected with domicile and territory
  • Accompaniment at home with the Nurse coaching service and the collaboration network with the territorial principals


  • Ordinary hospitalization
  • Day hospital
  • Outpatient activity

Centro Clinico NeMO Ancona in Italia e nel mondo

The NeMO Clinical Center Ancona is a reference point for national patient associations and the entire NeMO network.

In particular, Fondazione Serena Onlus (managing body of NeMO Clinical Center Ancona) collaborates with Dr. Dante Paladini ONLUS Foundation of which it is a member, with the sections of Ancona UILDM, AISLA, Famiglie SMA and Parent Project.

The NeMO Clinical Center Ancona also has an agreement for teaching activities with:

  • Degree Course in Physiotherapy and Nursing of the Polytechnic University of Marche
  • TNPEE degree course of the University of L’Aquila
  • Center Papa Giovanni XXIII Onlus for the OSS course
  • Social Cooperative COOSS Marche onlus Soc. Coop. p. a. for the OSS course
  • University of L’Aquila for the Master in Management for coordination functions in the health professions

News da NeMO Ancona


Giornata Mondiale SLA. Progressi nella diagnosi e terapia. Il punto dei professori Padovani, Ticozzi e Sansone


SLA. I Centri NeMO dimostrano l'impatto positivo di Tofersen


NeMO Ancona. Riabilitazione e malattie neuromuscolari in età evolutiva


I Centri NeMO presenti alla Giornata Malattie Neuromuscolari 2024


Lotta alla SLA. Tre esperti dei Centri NeMO nella nuova Commissione Medico Scientifica di AISLA


Un dono da 113.209 euro grazie a ODStore per i Centri Clinici NeMO nel giorno di Santa Lucia


SMAgliante ADA: un viaggio lungo 3 anni tra i banchi di scuola per educare all'inclusione sociale e al valore dell'unicità della persona


Un cioccolatino per cambiare la vita di un bambino con malattia neuromuscolare


Malattie neuromuscolari. Le nuove frontiere della genetica.


Donato uno spirometro stanziale al NeMO Ancona


Ancona: Il Centro Nemo è intitolato alla memoria di Roberto Frullini.


Nuove Progettualità Per Nemo Ancona


74 Punti Vendita Odstore Per I Bambini Con Malattie Neuromuscolari: Una Catena Di Solidarieta’ 


Giornata Nazionale Uildm: Per Una Formazione Di Qualita'


Achille Lauro Ad Ancona


Nemo Ancona, taglio del nastro per l’inizio di una nuova storia


Tra Rock E Musical, Ecco I Promessi Sposi Per Aisla Ancona


Gala Dinner Di Chef Uliassi: Raccolti 10 Mila Euro


Un’Isola Felice Per Il Futuro Nemo Ancona

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