NeMO Genoa

NeMO Clinical Center Genoa

The NeMO Clinical Center is located in Arenzano (GE) inside the La Colletta Hospital. Born in December 2010, it is dedicated to ordinary hospitalization for adults.

The Centre is a regional reference for intensive rehabilitation and for taking care of adult neuromuscular pathologies in collaboration with the hospital and territorial network.

The synergy with the Neurological Clinic of the S. Martino Hospital in Genoa and with the University of Genoa has always favoured a continuous professional, training and good practice exchange.

Clinical Director NeMO Genoa

Dr. Fabrizio Rao


Il Centro Clinico NeMO Genoa offers:
Beds for ordinary hospitalization
Leisure terrace

Outpatient clinics and pathologies treated

In the NeMO Clinical Center in Arenzano (GE) we take care of patients with:

  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
  • Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)
  • Muscular dystrophies
  • Metabolic myopathies
  • Muscle channelopathies
  • Genetic polyneuropathies
  • Inflammatory polyneuropathies
  • Toxic polyneuropathies
arenzano 2

Health services

At NeMO Clinical Center Arenzano (GE) we offer various health services for our patients in ordinary hospitalization:

  • Clinical evaluation and diagnostics
  • Pathological diagnostics
  • Standard and innovative therapies
  • Taking care on site and in the network with rehabilitation facilities in the area
  • Neurological, pneumological, psychological and rehabilitative management
  • Services connected with domicile and territory


  • Ordinary hospitalization

NeMO Clinical Center Genoa in Italy and in the world

The NeMO Clinical Center of Arenzano (GE) is a reference for the intensive rehabilitation of neuromuscular diseases in close collaboration with the regional territorial network and a reference point for associations of patients with neuromuscular disease and NeMO Members.

The NeMO Clinical Center of Arenzano (GE) collaborates with the Neurological Clinic, Policlinico IRCSS San Martino – Genoa

News from NeMO Genoa


Giornata Mondiale SLA. Progressi nella diagnosi e terapia. Il punto dei professori Padovani, Ticozzi e Sansone


SLA. I Centri NeMO dimostrano l'impatto positivo di Tofersen


Gianluca Vialli: leggende del calcio, amici illustri e tripudio di emozioni nella serata benefica sold out al Teatro Carlo Felice


Un dono da 113.209 euro grazie a ODStore per i Centri Clinici NeMO nel giorno di Santa Lucia


My name is Luca. Ballata per Vialli


SMAgliante ADA: un viaggio lungo 3 anni tra i banchi di scuola per educare all'inclusione sociale e al valore dell'unicità della persona


Un cioccolatino per cambiare la vita di un bambino con malattia neuromuscolare


74 Punti Vendita Odstore Per I Bambini Con Malattie Neuromuscolari: Una Catena Di Solidarieta’ 


Giornata Nazionale Uildm: Per Una Formazione Di Qualita'


Sla, Aisla E Regione Liguria Si Uniscono Ed Accorciano I Tempi

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